
Post 8: A subject you enjoyed studying this semester I enjoyed all my subjects this semester but I guess my favorite one was statistics, just for a simple reason: sometimes It is very difficult for me to see things clearly and I tend to get tangled very easily, but in this subject, all things use to be very clear, It used to be easy to identify the things that you need to know to solve a problem and everything has a method, that's why I like that, also, the main things we saw this semester was things that I saw at school, so I try to recognize and remember those things and it helps a lot. Other good thing about this subject, is that the teacher has managed to adapt in a good way to online classes and the online evaluations and all the things that are happening right now so the teacher give us a lot of facilities, and it think that It help us a lot because all of us are with a lot of thing and with a lot of stress.
Post 7: An expert on your field This post was difficult for me because I don't really think I admire someone, and I really don't know who to choose to talk about, also I'm just at the start of the career so I haven't met any expert on my field who can inspire me. unless there has been a lot of amazing people through my life, in this case I just invented someone: Her name is Maria, she is about 57 years old, she is married and has 2 sons and a daughter. She is a university teacher who has made a lot of research and has worked very hard for her area of study. And that's what I like about her, her smartness and her devotion and dedication for her work. I don't have any picture of her, but I know that nowadays she is still teaching.
Post 6: A band/singer i like  It is so difficult for me to choose a band or a singer because I really like music in general, but I think my favorite band is The 1975, that is the band's name. It is a British band from Manchester of alternative pop, rock and alternative rock music. It has 4 members and they started their musical career in 2013, and until 2020 they have had 4 albums. The first time I listened to them was in 2015, and since that moment they became my favourite band, I really love their music and I really like their lyrics because they are so deep and talk about interesting things and I enjoy their rythms a lot. I like all their songs but my favourite one is "The sound" a song released in 2016 and it reminds me those good years. I have seen them 3 times, 2 times in 2017 and one time last year, the best concert I have ever been to. I hope to see them again soon and listen to their recent album.
Post 5: A photograph l Like  I took this picture last February in a summer afternoon and it shows my dog. His name is Jack, he is an Akita and as the photo shows he is black with gray tones and its paws are white. I chose this photo for two reasons: It was the only photo that I had in my computer to upload and the other reason is because I love my dog, anyway I like this photo because I think he looks so beautiful and so cute, he is a very friendly dog, but with people which he does not know he is so brave and for that reason people use to be scared of him but in the photo he looks very calm and polite, and that is another reason why I like this picture.
Post 4: My best friend  My best friend's name is Catalina but I call her "Cata". I met her at school when I was 13 years old. At first I thought she was so shy and very quiet, and I was so talkative and messy so I thought we could never be friends, because we were so different, but, I don't know when and how but we started to talk a lot, since that moment we've been best friends. It happened 8 years ago.  I think she is my best friend because she has been very loyal to me through the years, I can trust her everything in my life, I can always count on her, she has helped me in a lot of things in my life, she makes me laugh and we can talk about anything we want because we have a lot of things in common. Sometimes we fight, as every friends in the world, but soon we make up. Also, her family has made me part of them and I appreciate them a lot, her mom and her dad are very kind and her little brother is so nice. I can say that she is a truly good friend. 
Post 3: My Favorite piece of technology I think my favorite piece of thecnology is my cellphone. It is important for me bacause I bought it just with money that I earn by myself working on weekends.I bought last year, in March, before I started my first year of university. I use it everyday... since I wake up in the morning until I go to bed. It helps me a lot with homeworks and to be in touch with me friends, much more in these dificult times, also I think is so comfortable working on it, that is what I like it. I think it would be very difficult not to have it because is a tool that give me access to everything in a few minutes so life would be very difficult without it (and university too!)
Post 2: Why did you choose your career / study programm? Since I was child I always loved cooking. As I grew up I started to learn how to cook until I learnt to make a lot of recipes, but I didn't want to study gastronomy because I liked cooking, but just like a hobby, in high school I started to like sciences, specially chemistry, I loved it so much that I decided to study something related to it. When I went out of school, obviously my first option was something related to chemistry as I mentioned, so I decided to study Environmental Chemistry, at the same university where I am now because I also love environment and I though if I study that I could help a lot, but I didn't like it so I just quit the career. After I quit, I started to think what I could study, so I started to look for a new career, obviously related to chemistry. So in my search I though about a lot of careers, since I found food engineering, the perfect combination between chemistry and food compositio