Post 4: My best friend 

My best friend's name is Catalina but I call her "Cata". I met her at school when I was 13 years old. At first I thought she was so shy and very quiet, and I was so talkative and messy so I thought we could never be friends, because we were so different, but, I don't know when and how but we started to talk a lot, since that moment we've been best friends. It happened 8 years ago. 
I think she is my best friend because she has been very loyal to me through the years, I can trust her everything in my life, I can always count on her, she has helped me in a lot of things in my life, she makes me laugh and we can talk about anything we want because we have a lot of things in common. Sometimes we fight, as every friends in the world, but soon we make up. Also, her family has made me part of them and I appreciate them a lot, her mom and her dad are very kind and her little brother is so nice. I can say that she is a truly good friend. 
Because of quarentine I haven't seen her for about three months. I miss her so much and all the things we do, spend time with her, talk about a lot of things and have a lot of fun. I hope it ends soon so I can see her again and give her a big hug


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