Post 8: A subject you enjoyed studying this semester

I enjoyed all my subjects this semester but I guess my favorite one was statistics, just for a simple reason: sometimes It is very difficult for me to see things clearly and I tend to get tangled very easily, but in this subject, all things use to be very clear, It used to be easy to identify the things that you need to know to solve a problem and everything has a method, that's why I like that, also, the main things we saw this semester was things that I saw at school, so I try to recognize and remember those things and it helps a lot. Other good thing about this subject, is that the teacher has managed to adapt in a good way to online classes and the online evaluations and all the things that are happening right now so the teacher give us a lot of facilities, and it think that It help us a lot because all of us are with a lot of thing and with a lot of stress.


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